Read entire interview here
This interview took place three days before Pasolini was murdered in 1975 and was just recently discovered and published (December). It's a wonderful, and short, read in which Pasolini talks passionately about the destruction that consumerism is causing in Italy. Some that is obviously present in Salò. This interview works as a great companionship to the film. Especially to anyone disregarding as pure dementia, shock value, etc. Both the interview and the film express his extreme, almost religious, dislike of what consumerism is doing to Catholics, Marxists, and all of Italy (one could say everywhere now).
About Salò:
In this new film, sex is nothing but an allegory of the commodification of bodies at the hands of power. I think that consumerism manipulates and violates bodies as much as Nazism did. My film represents this sinister coincidence between Nazism and consumerism. Well, I don't know if audiences will grasp this since the film presents itself in rather enigmatic way, almost like a miracle play, where the sacred word retains its Latin meaning of "cursed."
About consumerism:
I consider consumerism a worse fascism than that the classical one, because clerical-fascism did not transform Italians. It did not get into them. It was totalitarian but not totalizing. I'll give you an example: fascism has tried for twenty years to eliminate dialects and it didn't succeed. Consumerism, which, on the contrary, pretends to be safeguarding dialects, is destroying them.
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