Notes: 2nd semiology – enter Psychoanalysis – Freud → Lacan “Jacques the lack.” Edgar Morin (precursor) *infantile regression *plato’s cave (restrictive space) *neuroses * projection/identification. Prior to this shift psychoanalysis focus on characters or directors, now on spectatorship and the cinematic apparatus. Cinematic apparatus as dream like, functions (ideology), absence, how it positions us, looking. LACAN: the unconscious works as a language system. Mirror stage: identification, how do you build/construct yourself vs the other? During this stage you recognize yourself as different from the world, your own subjectiveness. *spectator as subject, *what makes us alive is desire, *object of desire, *part of the pleasure of desire is that it cannot be satisfied (frustration) * Place, positioned by the cinematic apparatus. *as we learn language we realize we are subjects. The cinematic apparatus as a machine to regulate desire. 1st look of the camera, 2nd look of the spectator and 3rd look of the characters (positioned by the camera). Marnie (Hitchcock, 1964): Mark uses Marnie to fill his lack, Mark’s fetish object is the jaguar, Mark doesn’t marry the sister-in-law because he’s a hunter and with her there’s no hunt since she likes him. Because momma doesn’t love her she ahs to keep buying her things, by stealing, to try and make her love her. The mother has the other daughter has her fetish object, Marnie her horse, Mark the jaguar and Lily has Mark.
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