The first 30-40 minutes of this film will completely captivate the viewer. Absorbed completely by the visual imagery and pure cinematic bliss. The images forming their own emotionally overwhelming and disturbing mood that dominates the actual story being told. If the entire film would've been told like this it would've left a much more disturbing and powerful impression. When this incredible sequence ends though the film slows down its visual storytelling to focus on more traditional storytelling (a lot more dialogue, longer cause-and-effect sequences vs the earlier jagged narrative structure that was put together visually with no sense of time), the film loses some of its power. Yet it still keeps a lot of its ambiguity and reliance of the image. The overall film is highly commendable, but those first 30 or so minutes were so incredible that the rest of the film almost felt like a letdown.
A great 35mm print playing at Ciné.
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