01 August 2012

SHOPSIN the pope of the food industry

The film should've been called The Pope of the Food Industry but I Like Killing Flies is not too bad. If Kenny Shopsin did become the Pope of the food industry then perhaps it would cease to be one of the most despicable industries.  He wants to feed the people.  He doesn't do it for money and he never stop.  He breaks all of its rules. He doesn't believe in fun, he simply wants to work.  And the refusal to conformity. Simply doing it his way. His rules aren't rules but act as safeguards for the slaves of the industry.  Respect for your server/cook, no picky eaters, no parties of more than four.  He builds a relationship with every customer, making sure they are worthy to be fed by him.  Its not business, it's feeding your friends. Kenny Shopsin should sit in a sacred altar in every kitchen in the world. And from the opening shot, a hilarious zoom out pan of Kenny walking from his bike to unlock the doors to the building that abruptly ends with the title I LIKE KILLING FLIES, we know we are watching something other than another talking head documentary.

Now playing on Instant Netflix. Queue it up here.

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